Saturday, 1 June 2013

Wild animal filming

I spent the weekend filming woodland animals riding bikes in and around Perth - not bad for their first go on bikes!!  This was filming for a promotional video for the Fair City Enduro Promo video out soon!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Sports Video Analysis with Perth City Cycles

The week before the 2nd BDS race at Fort William I went and did some sports video analysis work with the Perth City Cycles DH race team - it must have helped as Willem Herd won the senior category!

Mallorca - filming road bikes

In March I jetted of to Mallorca for a couple of days filming road bikes for a new cycle training company.  Mallorca is an awesome place for biking.  I had a thoroughly great time out there.  Promotional video coming soon!

Filming for the BBC in the Cairngorm

Screen grabs from footage Morrocco Media shot in the Cairngorms for the BBC for a forthcoming documentary on winter life in the Scottish Highlands.  These backcountry skiers were coming down insanely steep gullies.  A huge amount of respect to them!

Friday, 14 December 2012

Skimo Scotland

Morrocco Media are delighted to be filming the first ski mountaineering race series in Scotland.  Check out for more information!  Fingers crossed for good snow!  Stefan Morrocco Geomorphology

Macavalanche at the VIMFF

Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival have requested my Macavalanche edit for their festival.  Really pleased to get the edit shown in Canada, the home of mountinbiking!

stefan morrocco geomorphology

Monday, 26 November 2012

Gravitate re-edit by Stefan Morrocco

The re-edited Gravitate, now only 30 minutes of excellence, filmed, edited and produced by Stefan Morrocco, owner of Morrocco Media.  Featuring a diversity of talent from the Scottish Downhill mountain bike scene, Stefan has captured what attracts people to Gravitate to the sport.
stefan morrocco geomorphology